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By Linda Stein, Delaware Valley Journal
International Paper plans to build a state-of-the-art corrugated packing plant in West Sadsbury Township that will bring about 150 new jobs into the area.
"I was glad to help in bringing this plant to western Chester County and I am pleased t
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[Edited for 182% by TimoDimo on 10-08-2021 09:59][Edited 3% by Barre73 on 08-19-2021 10:29]you see things;and you say, "Why?"But I dream things that never were;and I say, "Why not?"[Modified 43% by ShadowLord on 08-02-2021 09:55]you see things;and you say, "Why?"But I dream things that never were
Stereophile has reviewed many Bowers & Wilkins speakers since the first, the "pregnant kangaroo" DM6, in December 1977. The most recent was the 705 Signature standmount, which I wrote about in December 2020. I concluded my review of the 705 Signature, which costs $4000/pair, by writing that "
This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.
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The 9th generation of Lenovo’s flagship ThinkPad gets a 16:10 display for getting work done but otherwise doesn’t stray too far from the successful X1 Carbon script. It’s fantastic.
Nearly ten years old, the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 9 has grown taller. Lenovo&rsquo
Concrete product manufacturers sponsor educational seminars and donate training to benefit university programs
Cleveland, December 9, 2021/PRNewswire/-Euclid Chemical, a leading manufacturer of concrete and masonry building products, announced that they will participate in the 2022 World of