Community Living Wallaceburg has received a generous $3,000 gift from a community partner, who wishes to remain anonymous.
The gift will go towards the renewal of the Agency’s Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Room, which was installed approximately 14 years ago.
While the room does provid
All 42 Games Hitting The Nintendo Switch eShop This Week, Including Monster Hunter Stories 2
August's First PS Plus Game Confirmed As Hunter's Arena: Legends
Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 5 Coming July 13, And Here's What It Does
New World's first seasonal event tasks players with st
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At first, Will Bushee assumed the green box in his front yard was temporary.
There'd been road construction near his home in southern Sioux Falls, but when a hole was bored into his front yard and filled with a green pedestal, he started to have concerns and contacted the city.
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Clearfield, Inc. (NASDAQ:CLFD) saw a significant drop in short interest in the month of November. As of November 30th, there was short interest totalling 244,300 shares, a drop of 29.4% from th
MTN GlobalConnect Chief Financial Officer, Ricardo Varzielas
by SAVIOUS KWINIKA JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – MTN, the Pan-African mobile network operator, has disclosed plans to build what the company said would be the world’s largest submarine cable.
Set to connect the Middle
UTOPIA customers deep in red states favor net neutrality by a wide margin.
November 29, 2021 – UTOPIA Fiber announced the completion of a fiber-optic internet network in one of its original 11 cities of Payson, Utah, on November 22.
All 20,000 residents and businesses in Payson C
Yes, friends, the holiday season is in full swing, and there are plenty of awesome deals on underwater imaging gear out there for the taking—all you have to do is, well, take! To help you in your quest, we present our epic 2021 Underwater Holiday Gift Guide!
As ever, we’v
RFOptic's Palm sized programmable 6 GHz RFoF Solution
RFOptic and its North American partner, Summit Communications Solutions are proud to announce the 100th Deployment of their Programmable RF Over Fiber (RFoF) Link. Through RFoF link’s Windows based GUI users can adjust S21 System
This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.
SHARON--When New England Patriots fans stream into Gillette Stadium Sunday afternoon to see the Pats take on the Buffalo Bills, thousands of them will also be seeing a message urging them